Global Winner

The Global Winner comes from Fanshawe College in Canada, under the supervision of Professor Liz Gray. The post-graduate team worked with WES for Youth Online, a non-profit and free online counselling service for youth ages 13-24 dealing with mental health issues in Ontario, Canada. The judges commended the team on their excellent digital marketing strategy and admirable attention to detail. The team experimented with regional campaigns targeting key cities in Ontario so that local language could be used in keywords and ad copies. In the end, the team exceeded their KPIs and yet still reflected on what could have been done better. The judges appreciated this professional, balanced and objective approach. The team’s campaigns resulted in 59 new registrations on the website – an all-time high for WES for Youth Online. Reports: Pre-Campaign, Post-Campaign and Google Data Studio (PDF backup).
Regional Winners
Americas Regional Winner

The Americas Regional Winner comes from Fanshawe College in Canada, under the supervision of Professor Liz Gray. The post-graduate team worked with the Better Business Bureau of Western Ontario, a non-profit website providing information for consumers to help them make good buying decisions. The judges commented on the team’s excellent data visualization skills and the specificity of the report – it was full of examples and details. They appreciated how easy the report was to follow and the detailed timeline of weekly events. The judges were also impressed with the CPC the team was able to achieve. Reports: Pre-Campaign, Post-Campaign and Google Data Studio (PDF backup).
Asia & Pacific/Middle East & Africa Regional Winner

The Asia & Pacific/Middle East & Africa Regional Winner comes from FLAME University in India, under the supervision of professor Rohit Tiwari. The MBA students specialized in Communications Management worked with Questern Tours, a company based in Pune, India providing handcrafted itineraries for sport events, management of athlete logistics and touring packages including local cuisine & culture. The judges appreciated the level of detail in the team’s analysis and the clear and logical explanations provided related to campaign results. The judges felt this team’s approach was very professional and their efforts were very much in line with the organization’s goals. The team exceeded their campaign’s goals in website traffic and social media likes. Reports: Pre-Campaign, Post-Campaign and Google Data Studio (PDF backup).
Europe Regional Winner

The Europe Regional Winner comes from Kaunas University of Technology in Lithuania, under the supervision of Professors Elena Vitkauskaitė and Eglė Vaičiukynaitė. The team, composed of undergraduate students who specialize in marketing and finance, worked with Barzdukai, an ecommerce website based in Lithuania specializing in beard and hair products. The judging panel commented on the team’s clear and concise goals that shaped their integrated strategy that included Google, Facebook and Instagram advertising. They were also impressed with their use of retargeting to stimulate 5 repeat purchases. Overall, the team did an excellent job in managing the campaign and keeping their CPA lower than expected. They effectively used the data to make decisions and, ultimately, drive conversions. The judges were impressed with the team’s use of sitelink and structured snippet extensions to increase the screen real estate of their ads. Their use of charts and graphs complemented their very thorough analysis of the results. In the end, the campaign achieved 12 conversions and the project was a great testament to the power of Google Ads and its ability to help small businesses thrive online. Reports: Pre-Campaign, Post-Campaign and Google Data Studio (PDF backup).
Honorable Mentions
During the judging process, a few campaigns can be handpicked by our Judging Panel as having demonstrated excellence in regards to a specific digital marketing characteristic. The 2020 GOMAC Committee, after careful evaluation, would like to provide an Honorable Mention to the team from ESG UQAM in Canada, under the supervision of Professor Harold Boeck, and composed of Oussama Bouharkat, Nicolas Gendron, and Joane Hazou, all marketing undergraduate students. The team developed an excellent digital marketing strategy with very precise goals and demonstrated continual optimization by adding and excluding keywords over time for Robins des Bois, a non-profit restaurant that redistributes their profits to charity organisms. The team did a great job of recognizing when and why their goals might have been too lofty and what they could have done differently in the planning and execution phases. Reports: Pre-Campaign, Post-Campaign and Google Data Studio (PDF backup).
Institution | Country | Professor | Captain | Member | Member | Member |
Fanshawe College | Canada | Liz Gray | Bianca Matos | Kelsey Newnham | Christopher Liddy | |
ESG UQAM | Canada | Harold Boeck | Oussama Bouharkat | Nicolas Gendron | Joane Hazou | |
FLAME University | India | Rohit Tiwari | Anjali B Shah | Riya Chakraborty | Nidhi Ahire | Yukti Agarwal |
The 2020 GOMAC edition
2020 brought on some exceptional challenges as the COVID-19 pandemic caught us all off guard. Student teams that managed online campaigns during the second half of the season found it particularly difficult to complete their marketing campaigns in time. Exceptional times called for exceptional measures and the 2020 GOMAC Organizing Committee agreed to extend deadlines. Despite the extension, many clients resigned from the challenge, their student teams had a hard time finishing their projects, and unfortunately many did not submit their reports. The good news is that those who did submit reports presented some very good campaigns. In all, 28 digital marketing professors from Angola, Australia, Belarus, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Lithuania, Nigeria, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, South Korea and the United States registered 83 student teams (324 students).
2020 GOMAC – Full Results
CID | Country | Ranking |
992-370-6886 | Canada | Global Winner |
624-600-0656 | Canada | Regional Winner |
445-326-9221 | India | Regional Winner |
876-390-0729 | Lithuania | Regional Winner |
598-823-0986 | Canada | Finalist |
829-975-1882 | Canada | Finalist |
707-840-7094 | India | Finalist |
168-829-1556 | India | Semi-Finalist |
791-025-1870 | Lithuania | Semi-Finalist |
262-655-6970 | Canada | Semi-Finalist |
936-259-5349 | India | Semi-Finalist |
158-219-4364 | Canada | Semi-Finalist |
719-377-8772 | India | Semi-Finalist |
432-896-3507 | Canada | Semi-Finalist |
966-834-1262 | Germany | Semi-Finalist |
912-916-1478 | Canada | Semi-Finalist |
793-696-2832 | Portugal | Semi-Finalist |
222-572-1815 | Canada | Semi-Finalist |
539-903-7807 | Germany | Semi-Finalist |
503-396-9995 | United States | Nominee |
781-062-4211 | Australia | Nominee |
435-536-3695 | Canada | Nominee |
842-535-0347 | United States | Nominee |
767-257-2747 | Portugal | Nominee |
219-804-8809 | France | Nominee |
741-644-3064 | France | Nominee |
Rankings used in the 2020 GOMAC:
- Nominee: Teams that demonstrated a very strong understanding of digital marketing by developing a solid campaign and its supporting documentation.
- Semi-Finalists: Teams that demonstrated superior understanding of digital marketing, developed and documented very high quality campaigns. GOMAC regions were determined based on the number of submissions. Neighbouring countries with fewer submissions were grouped together. All Semi-Finalists demonstrated the same overall level of proficiency even though they are classified in separate regions.
- Finalists: Teams that demonstrated overall excellence in the field of digital marketing. All Finalists demonstrated the same overall level of proficiency even though they are classified in separate regions.
- Regional Winners: Although all Finalists demonstrated outstanding campaigns, only one team in each region can be declared the Regional Winner.
- Global Winner: Out of the several nominated teams and outstanding marketing campaigns, the Judging Panel identified that this team designed, executed and presented the best overall digital marketing campaign in 2020.
The Judging Process
A panel of international judges evaluated teams from outside of their own geographic region. Professors that supervised a Regional Winner did not participate in the 2020 GOMAC Final Judging Panel and, if part of the GOMAC Committee, were removed from further discussions and decisions regarding the judging process. Professors from every GOMAC region participated in the selection for the Global Winner. The GOMAC Final Judging Panel proceeded with a secret ballot vote that was then revalidated by each judge independently. The judging process was supervised by Professor Wojciech Czart, and further validated by Professor Harold Boeck. The entire process and results were then certified as authentic by the GOMAC Committee.
A team was ranked as Semi-Finalist or Finalist based on the quality of their campaign and reports rather than by a cut-off based on a predetermined number of teams per rank. Regions can therefore have a different number of Semi-Finalists and Finalists. Having a team reach the rank of Semi-Finalist or Finalist was not influenced by the performance of other competing student teams. These top teams demonstrated a superior understanding of digital marketing and developed and documented very high quality campaigns.
Each top Finalist within each region was then identified as the Regional Winner. The Global Winner was selected among the Regional Winners by the GOMAC Final Judging Panel who also evaluated runner-ups when Global Winner contenders when scores were tied. The 2020 GOMAC Organizing Committee would like to remind participants that it is essential that they follow the Challenge guidelines set out under the terms and conditions to be eligible for judging.
The 2020 GOMAC Judging Panel, comprising of 22 digital marketing specialists from around the world, judged the students’ digital marketing campaigns based on each teams’ Pre- and Post-Campaign decks and Google Data Studio reports. The Winners were then identified by a 16-judge panel. We would like to thank the following 2020 GOMAC Judging Panel for supporting the 2020 GOMAC Organizing Committee in the judging process:
University participants:
- Thoma Daneau from UQAM – École des sciences de la gestion in Canada
- Paulo Duarte from the Universidade da Beira Interior in Portugal
- Kasia Firlej from Loyola University in the United States
- Noor Hazarina Hashim from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in Malaysia
- Harleen Kaur from Delhi Technological University in India
- Amit Kishore from MICA in India
- Anida Krajina from Masaryk University in the Czech Republic
- Amit Lathigara from RK University in India
- Hsin-Chen Lin from the University of New Brunswick in Canada
- Dusan Mladenovic from the Faculty of Economics and Administration in the Czech Republic
- Jamie Murphy from University of Eastern Finland and University of South-Eastern Norway
- Sajith Narayanan from FLAME University in India
- Mathew Parackal from University of Otago in New Zealand
- Wendy Ritz from Florida State University in the United States
- Natalie Sarrasin from the HES-SO Valais in Switzerland
- Paulo Silva from the Escola Superior de Educação de Viseu in Portugal
- Sharifah Syed Ahmad from the University of Business and Technology in Saudi Arabia
- Eglė Vaičiukynaitė from Kaunas University of Technology in Lithuania
- Peter O. van der Meer from Utrecht University School of Economics in the Netherlands
- Gema Vinuales from San Jose State University in the United States
- Agostino Vollero from the University of Salerno in Italy
- Zhenning Xu from California State University, Bakersfield in the United States
The 2020 GOMAC Organizing Committee
The 2020 GOMAC was governed by the Global Online Marketing Academics (GOMA) which comprises Academics from around the world who have extensive experience in digital marketing education. The 2020 GOMAC Organizing Committee included:
- Harold Boeck, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
- Theresa B. Clarke, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA
- Wojciech Czart, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland
- Liz Gray, Faculty at Fanshawe College, London, Canada
- Jamie Murphy, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland (OMC Global Academic Panel Lead)
- Elena Vitkauskaitė, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania.