Writing Campaign Reports
Teams are encouraged to be creative in their reports but must adhere to the following requirements to remain eligible.
Formatting Requirements
- Pre-campaign Strategy decks must be presented using Google Slides and are limited to a maximum of 15 slides. Specify if you created a new Google Ads account as only these are eligible in the GOMAC (exception for Ad Grant accounts).
- Post-campaign decks must use Google Slides and are limited to a maximum of 20 slides. Additionally, Looker Studio must also be used to present the quantitative results. Judges need to see that your campaigns met the minimum criteria, such as spending at least USD 25.
- Make sure Google Slides speaker notes are empty.
- Maintain anonymity in your report. Do not identifying information such as your names, photos, or institutional affiliation (e.g. college, university).
- Name your files accordingly:
- Pre-Campaign: pre-[CID] e.g. “pre-111-222-3333”
- Post-Campaign: post-[CID]
Deck Submission
- Reports must be submitted in English.
- Pre-Campaign deck must be submitted at least a day prior to the start of your GOMAC campaign.
- Captains submit their reports through the “Student Dashboard”.
- To allow GOMAC Judges to evaluate your decks:
- set the access to “View” for gomac@felix.fizyka.amu.edu.pl.
- turn off “Notify people” in the sharing options.
- You can only submit your report once and no modifications to the decks are allowed after submission.
Looker Studio Reports
- Support your Post-campaign claims by connecting the Google Ads account to Looker Studio.
- provide your GOMAC Google Ads CID on the first page of the Looker Studio reports.
- data for the date range must match that which is used in your report. There is no minimum number of days and the maximum is 4 months. The GOMAC organizing committee recommends 3-4 weeks as the campaign length.
- The report must demonstrate that the account spend a minimum of $25 USD
- To allow GOMAC Judges to evaluate your Looker Studio reports, share it with the email gomac@felix.fizyka.amu.edu.pl on “View” access.
- Create a backup of your Looker Studio report: Take a PDF snapshot and then submit its URL through the Student Dashboard.
- The GOMA has prepared the GOMAC Looker Studio Guide to help you use Looker Studio. A very useful template is already provided in the guide.
Reports that do not adhere to the aforementioned requirements and guidelines will be disqualified and be deemed ineligible for judging. Refer to the GOMAC Terms and Conditions for the complete list of requirements for eligibility.