Student Dashboard
Student Captains will receive an email that contains the DIRECT link to the Student Dashboard form, after their Professor completes the registration process. Look for an email with the heading “GOMAC Student Team Registration Invitation“. Once Team Captains have received this email and completed registration, within a maximum of 5 business days after the registration, the Team Captain’s Google Email will be added to GOMAC Captain’s Google Group and he/she will be able to access the Student Dashboard through the link below. The full details of this process are available on the registration page. Please note that when filling out the Student Dashboard form, the Team Captains should not list themselves in the “Team Member” section as a team member. This section is only for the additional teammates other than the Team Captain.
If you have not registered or your team has not been approved yet, use the DIRECT link to the Student Dashboard form in an email with the heading “GOMAC Student Team Registration Invitation” sent to your Captain’s Google Email submitted by your Professor in his/her Professor Dashboard.
WHY CAN’T I ACCESS THE DASHBOARD? To view the “Google Doc” linked bellow, make sure you are:
- a registered Team Captain and you have signed into the same Google Account used when registering to the GOMAC
- added to the GOMAC Captain’s Google Group (Captains are added to the Google Group within a maximum of 5 business days after their registration).